Born in Lisbon. Worked as a dancer in several companies in Belgium and in France before becoming known as a choreographer.

His first performance concerning choreographic creation, took place in 1984 in Paris, in the company Stridanse, in which he collaborated as a co-founder and which he took to several contests in the mentioned city, obtaining in the same year, the Humour Award and in 1985 the 2nd Award of Contemporaneous Dan-ce, both in the Volinine contest.

In 1995, he founded the Paulo Ribeiro Company.
Working with his own company allowed him to develop more effectively his personal language as a choreographer. The work Rumor de Deuseswas dis-tinguished, in 1996, with the awards: “Circulação Nacional”, attributed by the Instituto Português do Bailado e da Dança, and “Circulação Internacional”, at-tributed by the Centro Cultural de Courtrai, both concerning contest “Mudanças 96”. In 1999, the choreographer held “Prémio Almada” from Instituto Português das Artes do Espetáculo.

The choreographer has been dedicated to education, through the orientation of several workshops in Portugal and in another countries where the company have been. He taught in Conservatório Nacional de Dança and Choreographic Composition subject in the master studies of Contemporary Choreographic Creation from Escola Superior de Dança (Lisbon, Portugal).

Paulo Ribeiro will be present in LEFFEST, Sunday the 18th, at 14:00, in Cinema Medeia Monumental, to present the film La Valse and A Baleia Branca - Uma Ideia de Deus.