Directed by Med Hondo in 1986 and based on the homonymous novel by Abdoulaye Mamani, this film portrays the events of the Battle of Lougou, which took place in 1899, in the region of Nigeria. Azna queen Sarrounia defied the French colonial troops in the context of the Voulet-Chanoine expedition, differentiating herself from the leaders of other tribes who surrendered and collaborated with the enemy, making deals and joining the troops of the French commanders and colonisers, Paul Voulet and Julien Chanoine. The figure of Sarraounia stands out as a symbol of resistance to European subjugation in this film that brutally presents the inhumanity of colonialism.
- Duration: 120’
- Production year: 1986
- Country: BF, MR, FR
- Language: DYU, FF, FR Subtitles: PT