In New York City sometime in the future, a radical leftist group known as the North American National Committee of International Independent Revolutionary Organizations plans means of protesting American aggression in Mexico and political repression at home. While various radical groups discuss their disunity and fear of the authorities, one radical, Robert, is attacked on the street by four men who castrate him. Ted and Jane, two other radicals, talk to the director of a radical theater about the difficulty of transporting 10 radicals from Chicago in preparation for an offensive. Later, an improvisational group from the theater participate in an encounter session during which a girl expresses her willingness to kill and die for the movement. The offensive begins with a series of terrorist activities: a sniper assassinates an official emerging from a limousine, an apartment building is taken over by radicals, and radicals set fire to an industrial complex in Texas. Ted, a narcotics user, is unable to have sex with a woman, to whom he relates sexual nightmares about his capture and torture by the police. Later, he is caught rifling files in an office and engages in a gun battle with authorities. At a country home where radicals, including one who has been shot, are hiding out, a radical argues with his parents, who own the house and want the wounded girl removed. Later, radicals wreck the house. In a phone booth, a radical talking on the phone admits that life for the revolutionaries is becoming more difficult, but he is optimistic about a spring offensive.
- Duration: 132
- Production year: 1969
- Country: United States of America