Presented by the director.

Italian director and visual artist Romeo Castellucci is one of LEFFEST ’21’s featured creators.

Castellucci will be present to accompany To Reverse One's Eyes, the special program curated for the festival by Piersandra Di Matteo, performing arts theoretician and dramaturg who has been collaborating with Castellucci for several years now.

The main focus of this program, which will unfold into four moments, will take place at Teatro Nacional D. Maria II on November 15th, followed the next day by a final session at cinema Nimas, featuring presentations by Piersandra Di Matteo and Romeo Castellucci. On the night of the 15th, following the screening of one of his most emblematic works of recent years – the daring reinterpretation of Christoph Willibald Gluck's opera Orphée et Eurydice (2014) – Castellucci will talk about his work with Pedro Penim, artistic director of Teatro Nacional D. Maria II.

In Castellucci’s theatre, the concept of a “totality of the arts” hints at the bodily unthought, an Outside of thought that the conventional approach to drama, content with a mere illustration of literary texts, tends to ignore. Sound, image, architecture, sculpture and painting – everything in this expanded notion of theater converges towards a pre-verbal affectivity of corporeal intensities. Hence the generalized scandal with which many of his works are received. “Theater is a carnal art”, insists Castellucci. Let us search, then, precisely there – in the flesh that precedes the written word – one of the many keys to interpret a work that is unashamedly avant-garde.

To reverse one's eyes 
The theater of Romeo Castellucci by Piersandra Di Matteo

15th November
Teatro Nacional D. Maria II

15h Program #1 The Epic of Dust (1992-1999), presented by Piersandra Di Matteo
18h Program #2 Tragedia Endogonidia (2002-2004), presented by Piersandra Di Matteo
21h Program #4 Orphée et Eurydice (2014), followed by a talk with Romeo Castellucci

Tickets: €6 (full price) / €5 (students)
Available at the box office and at

16th November
Medeia Nimas Cinema

15h Program #3 The act of seeing. A selection of extracts (2006-2014), presented by Romeo Castellucci