Teresa Rita Lopes, researcher, essayist and writer, was born in 1937, in Faro. She lived in Paris from 1969 to 1982, where she taught at the Université de la Sorbonne Nouvelle, where she completed her doctorate thesis Fernando Pessoa et le drame symboliste – héritage et création (1975). She was a Comparative Literature professor at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities of the New University of Lisbon. Since 1965, her research has focused particularly on Fernando Pessoa, and since 1987 she is the director of the IEMO – Interdisciplinary Group of Pessoa and Modernist Studies. She has numerous published books in the fields of essay, poetry, short story and theater, with some of her plays and montages of Pessoa’s texts being staged, not only in Portugal, but also abroad with translated versions. She has received several awards, specifically, for her poetry, the Lisbon City Prize (1988), the Eça de Queirós Prize (1997); and for her essays, the Ensaio Unicer/Letras & Letras Grand Prize (1989) and the Pen Club Prize (1990). She is a staff member at the Lisbon Academy of Sciences.
Teresa Rita Lopes
Writer and Researcher