Bernard Marcadé, born in Bordeaux, in 1948, is an art critic, an Aesthetics and Art History professor at École Nationale Supérieure d’Arts de Paris-Cergy, and an independent curator. He worked as a chronicler for the radioS France Culture and Radio Nova and was the director of magazines A Rebours (1979-1982) and Feu (1989-1995). A frequent collaborator of several magazines, such as Artpress, Beaux-Arts Magazine, Parkett, Tate and Cahiers du Musée National D’Art Moderne, he has also written several essays, catalogs and books on contemporary art, his most famous work being his 2007 biography on artist Marcel Duchamp. Amongst his extensive work as a curator, one of the most important is Féminin-Masculin, Le sexe de l’art, which he co-organized with Marie-Laure Bernadac in 1995 and showcased at the National Museum of Modern Art, at the Georges Pompidou Center.
Bernard Marcadé
Art Critic and Curator