Born in 1944, in Paris, Alain Fleischer is a versatile artist, with works as a writer, director, photographer and visual artist. He began by studying modern languages, linguistics, anthropology and semiology at the Sorbonne, and he would later teach at several institutions, such as the Université Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3 or the Quebec University in Montreal. His work in cinema includes genres as different as fictional feature films, experimental cinema and art documentaries, and it has been shown at the main film festivals and subject to several retrospectives. In the field of the photography and the visual arts, Fleischer frequently has his work displayed in exhibits – collective or individual – in galleries and museums all over the world. A prolific writer as well, Fleischer has dozens of published books, from novels to essays on photography and cinema, in some of the most prestigious French publishers. He is currently the director of the Fresnoy, National Studio for the Contemporary Arts, which he founded.
Alain Fleischer