The year is 1944. In Vermiglio, a remote and mountainous village, we follow the life of professor Caesar and his large family. One by one, the camera focuses on each individual member, enriching their characterisation whilst including the viewer inside the family dynamic. The central drama takes place with the arrival of Pietro, a deserter, in the village. Slowly, a romance blossoms between Caesar's eldest daughter and Pietro. An unsettling feeling permeates the entire film, leaving us unsure of what is to come, as if the viewer were himself an inhabitant of this isolated village - oblivious to the outside world and constantly waiting for news of the war.
- Duration: 119’
- Production year: 2024
- Country: IT, FR, BE
- Language: IT Subtitles: PT, EN
Upcoming sessions
Sala Manoel de Oliveira |
Price: €6.00 |
Price: €6.00 |
Venice Film Festival 2024 – Silver Lion Grand Jury Prize
London Film Festival 2024 – Official Selection in Competition