The movie follows an African-american television reporter in her professional duality, as she keeps having to compromise her political principles to keep a corporate-sediated job - something blatantly obvious when she has to register and film moments within a prison, under her white bosses’ prejudice and pressure. Simultaneously, a member from the Black Panther party gets out of prison only to realize his ex-peers have turned their backs to the movement, and its headquarters repurposed and unusable.
Grey Area then refers to the spaces of compromise seemingly needed to be in a white society. Released in 1980 - in a post-Watts’ revolution, post-Black Panthers’ dissolution moment -, the movie keeps track of the fading in socio-political movements and contributions, not only within the bacl community in L.A,, but all around the USA.
- Duration: 38
- Production year: 1981
- Country: United States of America
- Subtitles: EN, Subtitles: PT