It’s a house where people like to come to spend long evenings listening, looking, laughing, defending an idea and then its opposite. The advantage of being part of a social circle is that everyone knows each other well. Outbursts of frankness or excessive secretiveness, moments of doubt, or of well-founded or unfounded joy… there’s a place for everything, much to the pleasure of everyone, guests and hosts combined. The hosts’ existence is the envy of everyone; they’re a perfect couple, their lives are a success. But, all of a sudden, the motor falters. One day, one of them leaves, and is slow to return. And when the doorbell finally rings, the world is a different place. One day, a man and a woman find themselves in the house and truly see each other for the first time. One wanted this, the other didn’t. One wants to talk, the other doesn’t. It’s difficult being together in the same house when you no longer want the same things.
- Duration: 90
- Production year: 2004
- Country: Germany, France, Italy