This session will include a series of extracts from Hans-Jürgen Syberberg's five films surrounding Goethe's Faust; from recordings, in Super 8, of Bertold Brecht's staging of Urfaust, at the Berliner Ensemble (1953), to part of Syberberg's show Die Nacht, displayed at the Festival d'Automne, in Paris, where actress Edith Clever reads extracts from the poem.    

- Brecht 1953 Urfaust 65'
- Fritz Kortner 1966 Faust II Ende 16' ·
- Oskar Werner 1982 Faust I Anfang 60'
- Einar Schleef 1993 aus einer Auffühung des Faust vor dem geschlossennen Schillertheater Berlin 15'
- Edith Clever 1984 aus die Nacht 1984 "Der Gang zu den Müttern" 12'

  • Production year: 1953
  • Country: France