In his latest 3D documentary, Wim Wenders delves into the life story of one of the greatest contemporary artists, Anselm Kiefer, a man who, according to the director, "is not afraid to paint anything. He can paint the universe, and he can paint mathematical formulas, and he can paint history, and he can paint myths, biology, alchemy. He’s not afraid of any of human knowledge to go into painting or sculpture." Through a vivid and irreverent portrait, Wenders explores the artist's past and present, revealing his sources of inspiration and creative process in an experience that is both visual and emotional. Premiered worldwide at the Cannes Film Festival, Anselm pushes the boundaries of 3D into uncharted territory and blurs the lines between the cinematic medium, painting and sculpture.

  • Duration: 93’
  • Production year: 2023
  • Country: DE
  • Language: DE, EN Subtitles: PT
  • Cannes Film Festival – Special Screenings

Wim Wenders
