In a remote location that seems to have only two seasons – a snow-covered winter and a summer with its tall grasslands – a middle-aged teacher, longing for a transfer to Istanbul, develops an unhealthy obsession with a 14-year-old student. A report triggered by the discovery of a love letter leads to a Chekhovian immersion into the psychological identity of the characters, in an extremely absorbing film. With About Dry Grass, Turkish director Nuri Bilge Ceylan returns to Anatolia and to his distinctive beautifully composed shots and portraits. The film premiered in the Official Selection at Cannes, where Merve Dizdar won the Best Actress Award, and has been showcased at various international film festivals.

  • Duration: 197'
  • Production year: 2023
  • Country: TR, FR, DE, SE
  • Language: TR Subtitles: PT, EN
  • Cannes Film Festival – Best Actress Award (Merve Dizdar)

Nuri Bilge Ceylan
