This exhibition has the High Sponsorship of Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Lisboa
The LEFFEST will display WARonWALL - The Struggle in Syria, at the Cascais wall, a new exhibition with photographs taken in Syria, by the prestigious German photographer, Kai
Wiedenhöfer (winner of the World Press Photo Award, the Leica Medal of
Excellence, the Alexia Grant for World Peace, the Cultural Understanding, among
other distinctions).
The exhibition will comprise of portraits from the “FORTY out of ONE MILLION: the human cost of the Syrian War” set and a series of large format photographs of the devastation in the city of Kobani. The result is a work that is shocking for how frankly it is involved in the violence.
“These photographs were taken in cities, villages and refugee camps in Jordan and Lebanon from the 2014 spring to early 2015. By showing the genuine consequences of this conflict, it is my intent to seek support for these people who need it. The media often show daily death tolls. But they forget all the wounded for whom the war will never end. They will have to withstand their war wounds for the rest of their lives.”