Resistance. In such a word lays a tremor, characteristic of those who won’t conform before injustices. To resist means, primarily, to free ourselves from the shackles of thought. Curated by Juan Branco
  • Thematic programmes

Curated and moderated by Juan Branco
15-17 November 

Resistance. In such a word lays a tremor, proper of a rooted radicality, characteristic of those who won’t conform before injustices. To resist means, primarily, breaking out of the established framework, recognizing a sort of hazard that compels us to free ourselves from pre-existing constraints, and wielding out of our body and soul a vigilant telluric force that is suddenly called to rise up.

To resist is, first and foremost, acting in order to think. Acting by virtue of thinking. Acting toward the production of thought. To run against the tide of the prevailing order, pitting a vivid force against it, and refusing the status of submission that has been demanded of us – inscribed in bent bodies and crippled spirits.

To resist is to take part in a collectivity knowing that, when it suddenly fails, it will call for sacrifice and gestures that should have never been in place. To conceive of ourselves as part of a long history of covert gestures. To inscribe ourselves within a structure we never thought existed.

We are now structurally embarking on a period of resistance. We are entering a moment in history when seemingly isolated gestures will occur and multiply, only to progressively cross paths, even oppose, and finally become One. There where the enemy would have tried to erase multiplicity, acts of resistance will have the force of the unity.

But beyond the polysemy of historical signifiers, resistance initially involves the qualification of the being and the self. The explosion of the political and symbolic edifices, along with hierarchies and pre-existing structures, announces a ruthless spectral battle permeated by an ever-present risk of loss of meaning: the enemy is no longer there, because he is everywhere.

In what looks like a doomed continent, condemned to the non-existence generated by the fall of powers and rise of new ones, a struggle for balance whose nature remains uncertain inaugurates. It is looking to overtake that elusive multiplicity, in order to capture its own identity. Creepage begins to narrow down, and unexpected communities emerge.

Will it be necessary, as it was in times past, to fight in close combat? To start taking risks in the midst of a collapsing milieu? What sort of models should we adopt in a so-called post-Marxist world, deprived of an ideological horizon? Who are our allies? Who should we avoid?

And, before the emergence of dystopic monsters that combine powers and forces, structures and flows, masses and bodies, which battles should we lead forward if we want to make our voices heard and not merely resist?

Juan Branco,

Confirmed Speakers:
Luigi de Magistris - Mayor of Naples, former Attorney General
Rafael Correa - President of Ecuador between 2007 and 2017 
Guangcheng Chen - Lawyer and Civil Rights Activist
Richard Stallman - Founder of the Free Software Movement and developer of the GNU operating system
Jacob Appelbaum - Journalist and Digital Security Researcher and independent hacker
Maxime Nicolle - Activist and Spokesperson for the Yellow Vests Movement
Francisco São Bento - President of the National Union of Dangerous Materials Drivers
Omar Barghouti - Human Rights advocate and Co-Founder of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) Movement
Salah Dabouz - Lawyer and Human Rights Advocate
Mehdi Belhaj Kacem - Philosopher, writer and actor
Minna Salami - Journalist and Founder of the MsAfropolitan Blog 
Ashish Kothari - Environmental Activist and Founder-member of the Kalpavriksh organization
Olivier Goudet - President of the Organization Trop Violans
Yvane Goua - Spokesperson of the Organization Trop Violans 
Dominique Beyreuther Minkov - Lawyer at the Paris Bar
Omer Shatz - Lawyer and International Law Expert
Guilherme Serôdio - Founder of Extinction Rebellion in Belgium 
Miguel Duarte
- Activist and Volunteer of the rescue boat Iuventa

Films Programme:
Adults in the Room, Costa-Gavras
Marighella, Wagner Moura
Sorry We Missed You, Ken Loach
Joker, Todd Phillips
Hunger, Steve McQueen

Approximate times/Subject to change

Round Tables - Free Admission
Tickets for the films availiable on locations, possibility of online booking

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